Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2024 Day 6: His Word is the Solid Rock

Lent 2024 | Day 6 | His Word is the Solid Rock

This is one of my favorite verses in the bible because although it’s a short verse, it carries a lot of power. The Prophet Isaiah was tasked with delivering a message of hope and comfort to God’s people while being held in captivity in Babylon. As we all know, grass and flowers tend to dry up, shrink, wilt, lose their freshness, brilliance of color and vitality.

Lent 2024 Day 5: Why Do We Have to Wait?

Lent 2024 | Day 5 | Why Do We Have To Wait?

Why does God make us wait?
We know that God gives us the opportunity to place our faith and trust in Him, to be grateful for His provision, and to recognize His divine plan. God wants us to remain in a state of faith, trusting Him and relying on Him. We know He is faithful, and He will fulfill His promises in His perfect timing, just like He did with Joseph.