Memorial Presbyterian Church


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Day 1 | Ash Wednesday

Submitted By, Pastor Scott

Today is Ash Wednesday, the day that ushers in a new season on the church calendar called Lent.  Our theme for Lent is “A Time to Say No.”  Lent is a season during which Christians all over the world practice the spiritual discipline of fasting – intentionally saying no to food or a particular practice.  Denying oneself is often a difficult process, especially when that thing or activity brings particular joy to us.  But when we purposely give up something that matters to us and choose rather to spend that time in focused attention to spiritual pursuits, the benefits are phenomenal.  Our relationship with the Lord takes on a richer texture.  We tend to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly because it’s not muted by the white noise of our daily existence.  And we get to know the Lord in deeper and more personal ways.  So for the next 40 days, say no to your usual routine and yes to the deliberate watering of your soul.  You’ll be glad you did.

Lenten Prayer

Gracious God, we thank you for this journey to the crossWe ask that You would help us to remain determined to say “No” to things that cause us to be distracted, focused in seeking You first, and open to hearing from You and Your Word.  Refresh, restore and revive us during this Lenten season, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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