Memorial Presbyterian Church


Friday, March 11, 2022

Day 10 | Rejoice

Submitted By, Deacon Ceola (Lois) Moore

During this Lenten Season, let us continue to rejoice, pray and give thanks for we have been on an arduous journey and with God’s help, most of us survived and thrived. He has brought us through a pandemic while providing us with physical and spiritual nourishment. Even though we could not always worship together in-person, through technology, God helped us find ways to stay connected with Him and with each other. If not for His many provisions, we could not have come through this blight virtually unscathed and whole…only by God’s Grace. Let’s continue to rejoice in the fact that we are still standing, pray that God will continue to sustain us and give thanks for all that He has brought us through.

Lenten Prayer

Heavenly Father Jehovah, we rejoice in your graciousness toward us in all things for we know that You are the way-maker and we pray that you will continue to be ever-present with us in all our times of trouble. We give You thanks for your unmerited favor during this pandemic and in all our trying circumstances, for your powerful Holy Spirit, for your everlasting Word and, most of all, for your precious son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. In His name, we pray, Amen.

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