Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Hoping In God

Deacon Ceola “Lois” Moore

Let’s face it, this earthly world is not a very pleasant place these days.  There are wars and rumors of wars, pandemics, epidemics, death, sickness, injustice, hunger…a myriad of seemingly insurmountable issues.  However, we as believers must not be concerned nor become overwhelmed by all the minutia associated with this earthly life.  We should place our hope in our Creator who is faithful, holy and righteous and can do anything but fail.  There is no reason for us to be downcast and/or disturbed.  When we trust in our Father who is sovereign over all things in heaven and on earth, there is nothing to fear.  Our hope in Him and the heavenly life that is promised is reason to give Him praise.  Therefore, when we become down and distressed, let’s remember His awesome power and faithfulness that never fails. Let’s praise him at all times.  Hallelujah…

Let us pray:


Heavenly Father, as we struggle to traverse the difficulties and burdens of this earthly life and become distressed and afraid, remind us that our hope is in You.  Sometimes we forget that you are ever-present with us at all times.  May your loving kindness and compassion that are new every morning remind us to give you ceaseless thanks and praise.  When we praise you, Father, our strength is renewed, we are reminded of what you have already done and encouraged to pray and not worry.  To Your Glory, in Jesus’ Name, Amen

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