Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Breaking Free of the Unnecessary

Deacon Susan Groenveldt

A few weeks ago, I was thinking about what thing in my life I would like to abstain from during the Lenten Season. I look forward to Lent as an opportunity to work on removing things that might hinder my walk with God.  I eventually decided I would give up sugar.  I settled into the idea, knowing that giving up sugar would be hard enough to do, making it a sacrificial act.  But also knowing that it would be good start to a developing a healthier lifestyle. 

“I can do this, I thought.  Then it struck me: My morning tea with no honey?!!  How can I possibly go 40 days with no honey?  I mean after all, I had already swapped my daily cup of hot delicious coffee for this healthier tea!  But I had purposed this in my heart, and settled into my days with no sugar.

This Lenten Season has made me think about how we have so much, and how easy it is to become bound by those things.  We have beautiful cars, homes and TVs with 200 sports channels. We can travel from coast to coast of the US in a just few hours.  We carry the information of the world in our hands every day, in our cell phones.  We live lives our ancestors could not even dream, as they prayed and hoped for a better life.

While none of these are harmful in themselves, how much more important is it to have God’s Love? How much more beneficial is it to walk closely with Our Lord?  How soul satisfying it is to be able to commune with Him and to be able to hear from Him   There is no job, no car, no vacation spot or cup of honey sweetened tea that is sweeter than the love of God.  

Enjoy the gifts from God, for He wants you to have abundance.  But do not let any one thing become greater in your life than Him. Take time to hear from God, read the Word, spend time in his presence praying and worshipping. Give thanks continually. Any good thing you have is a gift from God. Just be careful not to allow these gifts to become a barrier between you and the promise of eternal life with Him

Let’s go to the Lord:

Heavenly Father, you are so good to us-even better than we deserve. Thank you for your grace and your mercy. Thank you for the sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ. Help us to turn to you and not let the things of the world become louder than your voice, Oh Lord. Help us to keep our walk with you strong. We need you paramount in our lives -now more than ever. Help us to make you first. We ask these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

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