Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

No Need To Fear

Deacon Janet Gooding

In this world,  there will be trials and tribulations. Burdens of illness, burdens of financial hardship, burdens of Marital problems, burdens of grief and so on. Burdens small or large but one of the ones that affects us the most is the burden of FEAR, specifically fear  of the unknown. In this passage, our God tells us not to be afraid or worry.  He is our Sovereign Father and when there is a need, He will help us, strengthen us and uphold us with His Righteous Right Hand.  For this love affair to be complete, we must read His word, believe in His word and pray consistently. 

Lord, Your finished work on Calvary by faith has awarded us the freedom, knowing that we can come before your throne at any time without FEAR but with boldness and humility.  Even our Savior was afraid of the unknown on the cross but He gave it all to His Father who was with him to the end.  Heavenly Father, give us the grace to know that we are not alone. We have a loving Father who is always ready to carry our burdens if we allow Him to.  In Jesus’ Mighty name l have prayed. AMEN AND AMEN. 

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