Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Satisfied and Sustained

Elder Valerie O’Connor

This is a promise from God! It is so reassuring to know that our God is always there to guide us!

We need continual direction from God so we should always seek him so we don’t miss our way or go off course.  When we don’t understand something, we should first go to the Lord for wisdom.  God is the only one that has all of the answers.  He is the only one that can satisfy us.  We may look for different things that give us satisfaction – money, a job, people but none of those things will last.  We could be waiting on something – healing in our body, a spouse or that next promotion or job. These things can be a burden to us.  So, in those rough times when it seems as if we are in a drought, we need to pray and have faith in God so we can break free from these burdens. He will give us what we need.  He is our strength! Jesus Christ is the unending fountain of water that we can drink from and never be thirsty again.   He will surely sustain us and give us water to drink.  Seek him and we will be like a watered garden – healthy and satisfied as only God can satisfy us.

Lord, I thank you that you are always there to guide me. When I don’t know which way to go, I can look to You for direction. You are the only wise God. You are the lifter of my head.  When I feel weak, you strengthen me. Thank you, Lord, for helping me with every decision, big and small. Thank you for continually guiding us in the way we should go, and teaching us all things, through the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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