Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Breaking Free From The Flesh

Deacon Sergio Spencer

This passage reminds us that there is a constant battle going on inside of us. We have a part of us that wants to be led by the Holy Spirit and serve God. Then, we have our flesh or our physical body that’s in the world and vulnerable to temptation. Praying and fasting can help us resist the desires of the flesh. Through prayer, we can share our struggles and weaknesses with God and ask for His help. Fasting pushes us to set aside our own desires and submit to God. Lent is a great opportunity for us to focus on feeding the desires of the Spirit, instead of the desires of the flesh. 



Lord, forgive us for when we put our own desires ahead of your calling for our lives. Give us the strength to turn away from temptation and submit to your will. Show us how to be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives. We ask for all of these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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