Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Let's Go!

Pastor Scott Williams

Today marks a wonderful and challenging time on our church calendar. Ash Wednesday begins the season we call Lent, a time of self-denial, self-reflection and penitence. During Lent, we follow the example of Jesus and fast from specific things – foods, activities, routines, etc. But why do we abstain from these things that give us so much enjoyment? Because we’re taking the time to intentionally connect with our Creator. The Lord has been so wonderful to us and allowed us to enjoy the bounty He has provided. During the next 40 days, I’m encouraging each of you to say “No” to some of the things that give you pleasure and “Yes” to a deeper connection with God, “Yes” to purposeful periods of prayer, “Yes” to bountiful blessings from the Lord and “Yes” to breaking free of those burdens that had you bound. While we are all different, we all have access to the same Jesus. He’s able to hear and answer your prayer at the same time He’s hearing and answering my prayer. I challenge you to walk this Lenten journey with me as we break free from burdens. As we submit to this process, I’m certain that the Lord will meet us right where we are and transform us into who we need to be. Let’s trust Him and watch Him perform mightily in our minds, bodies, homes, communities and His church. Let us pray:


Good and Gracious Lord, we come to you in humility and confidence, asking you to be with us as we begin this Lenten walk.Give us strength to say “No” and ears to listen to Your still small voice and arms to embrace what You tell us and feet to walk in Your light and hearts to love You more dearly.This we pray, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

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