Memorial Presbyterian Church


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Day 16 | Weighing Busyness

Submitted By, Elder E. Magalene McClarrin

He was a man who had no permanent residence, no money, or no social standing. He had no title nor pedigree that would make others admire or even envy Him. Jesus was not a member of the Divine Nine, Links, 100 Black Men, or Jack and Jill. He simply fulfilled God’s purpose so that we could receive salvation and eternal life. He stood among the poor and needy, allowing the diseased to touch His garment and receive new life. He pressed the eyes of the blind and gave renewed sight. The Son of Man dined with the influential and wealthy yet allowed a lowly woman of no consequence or power to bathe His feet with scented oils and tears.

Despite His public works, Jesus would steal away consistently to be with His Father. He took time to be alone and just sit in Abba’s presence, communing with the Father and the Holy Spirit, gaining strength and resolve. In the quietness of solitude where cries for help and prying eyes could not invade, He allowed Himself to be refreshed in spirit and renewed in commitment.

And despite His public work, Jesus did not heal everyone; He did not respond to every need. Jesus probably turned down many invitations to dinner nor did He stay in every home He was invited to. He did not preach or teach in every synagogue or temple. In Matthew 15:24, He clearly states: “I was sent only to the people of Israel. They are like lost sheep.” His focus was doing the will of God: not my will but thy will be done. His time alone in prayer and meditation was not rushed or squeezed in between “more important things” or in seeking to please others.

If nothing else during this Lenten season, maybe we need to reflect on our need to be seen, heard, and involved in every ministry. Maybe we need to reflect in times of quiet with Jesus at our side and let Him tell us what we should do. Maybe we should ruminate on why we do what we do. Is it pride and hubris or a lack of self-esteem and confidence that forces us to be out front but not upfront?

Lenten Prayer

Lord, teach us to care more about being with You and basking in Your presence than being in every ministry, on every committee. Help us to want not to be seen doing but just quietly doing Your will. Help us to know that having our names in lights is not the same as being a light in the world. Teach us to be still and know that You are God. Give us courageous humility to allow other people’s lights to shine. Help us to model You, Lord, a Servant who served without ego, or hidden agendas, or seeking public applause. Thank You, Savior, for being Jesus, our Redeemer and Friend. Amen.

2 Responses

  1. “ Maybe we need to reflect in times of quiet with Jesus at our side and let Him tell us what we should do. ”
    That was a word!

  2. This is so needed for our church to grow. THANK YOU for being courageous and sharing this convicting passage.

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