Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Tell God How You Feel

Deacon Cletta Rochester-Duckett

When you hit a setback it’s okay to tell God you’re mad, sad, or depressed. Expressing all your feelings to God is okay, but don’t get bitter.  Bitterness is saying you don’t trust God when trouble comes. It’s like a poison that will tear your life apart if you let it. Job experienced all types of problems.  He lost his family, his fortune, and his health.  But instead of becoming bitter, he focused on God’s goodness.  Job knew that God was still in control even though everything seemed to be falling apart. When setbacks come, and they certainly will, you must focus on the fact that God has the big picture in mind.  Many things will change in your life.  A perfect life is not promised to anyone. 

No matter what setbacks you face, remember that God will never stop loving you. He has a plan for you that is good, and He cares about all of your life.  When everything falls apart, don’t get bitter, find reasons to praise God.  It’s not easy, but He is worthy.

Let us pray:

Dear Father,


Your holy word tells
me to pray without ceasing.  In all things large and small, at all times,
happy or sad let me seek your wisdom and your strength in prayer.  In Jesus’s name, Amen.

2 Responses

  1. Yes. The hymn says “Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey”
    Focus, trust, hope, faith.

  2. Yes the Lord said , Come unto me all who are laden and heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Amen

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