Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Be Still and Know

Elder Mary Martin-Sweet

The Lenten season is a time of fasting and reflection on Jesus’s sacrifice. We should also take  time to be still, resting in His presence and the knowledge of who He is – our omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God. During Lent, let’s break free from busyness and spend quality time alone with the Lord.


Stillness isn’t easy to find in life’s busyness, so we must be intentional.  Schedule time as you would with other priorities to focus solely on the Lord.  It is in our stillness in God’s presence that we come to know Him intimately and grow in our relationship with Him. I have learned that when I devote time to being still in God’s presence, I reap considerable benefits…peace, joy, strength when I feel weak and weary, encouragement, direction, and guidance. After spending time with God, my heart feels lighter and my day always goes better.


Be still in His presence and reap the benefits.  Commit to spending at least 15 minutes every day with the Lord; read scripture, pray and be still to hear His voice.  Open your heart and mind by focusing on Jesus and being in awe of who He is.  When we know God intimately, we can cease striving because we know that He is our strength, refuge, provider, healer, deliverer, and all that we need.  We can find freedom from all our struggles, burdens, and cares as we trust and rest in Him.


Abba Father, help me to be intentional and commit to spending quality time alone with You each day. Lord, help me to be still in Your presence and know that you are Almighty God. I stand in awe and reverence of who You are. Give me the grace and strength to “stand empty” before you, relying on you, casting my worries, burdens, and fears on you, trusting you. To You be all glory, honor, and praise. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.             

2 Responses

  1. Amen. Time with the Lord brings peace in His presence and hope through His Word.

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