Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

God Cares

Deacon Ketia Brown

“Why am I going through these situations?  Why do I keep hurting?  When will this pain go away?”  Sometimes it can feel like we’re alone in this thing called life. We try to live the right way; we go to church and still we face troubles and heartache. It’s easy to ask, “where is God?”  It’s easy to feel that he doesn’t care about what we are going through.  But it’s during those hard times that God is there the most.  God cares about our hurts and pains.  He cares about the troubles we go through.  Keep in mind that God took on the form of a man so that he could feel all that we feel – pain and all.  As we go through the Lenten season, let’s remember that because God cares so much for us, He was willing to take on all of our sins. Let’s remember that He cried out to the Father in pain and agony for us.  So, when you’re feeling down, when you feel that you can’t take anymore heartache and the load is too much, let’s cast all of that anxiety, worry and pain onto Him, because He is there and he does care.  


Lord God, thank you for loving us so much.  Thank you for your mercy, your grace, your loving kindness.  Thank you for being our rock when we are not strong.  Lord God, help us to remember how much you love us.  Help us to remember what you did for us on the cross. Thank you for taking our sins, our burdens, our pain and our hurt on the cross with you.  We thank you, merciful father, and ask you for strength as we go through this season.  Help us to remember, Lord God, that You’re always in control even when everything is out of control.  We love you; we give you all the honor and praise, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. 

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