Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2023

Speaking To Your Mountains

Deacon Moderator Dana Faison

We all face obstacles that can cause us to shrink back, rather than push forward. We each have mountains that we have to climb. They can be overwhelming and daunting. These mountains can be of sickness, depression, financial woes, grief, and personal relationships. But the Lord promised us not only will he help us climb these mountains but overcome them as well, and in the midst of our pain, we can have confidence in knowing that the battle is already won.

An important part of facing our mountains is using our faith to speak to our mountains.  Because if you don’t have enough faith to move your mouth and speak God’s Word, you won’t have enough faith to move your mountain. The word tells us, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ” (Romans 10:17 NIV). Something amazing begins to take place when you speak God’s word over any situation in your life. You become focused and renewed in the Spirit. God has given us the power and authority over our lives, so we can’t live our lives thinking we will be defeated. This power and authority give us the right to command our mountains to move with our faith.

Remember you need strength to climb this mountain, but it’s not physical or mental strength, it is the strength God gives to us. It’s not by might or power, but by the Spirit of the only wise God.

I encourage you to speak to your mountains. Climb them in faith knowing that the Lord takes every step with you and will see you through to the other side of that mountain. When you do that your mountain then becomes a place of learning, renewed prayer, strength, and healing. 

Lord, today I will let go of any fear, guilt, pain, and challenges in my life and place them in Your hands. Allow my faith to grow stronger in Your teachings and Your Word so that You can reveal Your Spirit to me. Let this be a season that makes my faith in You stronger. Lord, help me to declare that my mountains will be moved in the mighty name of Jesus.  I place my trust fully in You knowing that all things are possible through You. In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.

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