Memorial Presbyterian Church

Day 16 | No One Compares to God
Lent 2024

No One Compares to God

Sis. Dr. Lena Washington, DPT, CKTP
There is no one whom compares to God. God will break the power of sin so it will not rule over us. He shows us mercy, although we repeatedly fall short from his grace. Even in his displeasure, he does not hold onto his vexation endlessly. For this, we are forgiven and for this, we are grateful.

Lenten Prayer

Father God,
We pray and repent from all of our iniquities. We ask you to remove any thing in our spirit that is not edifying or in accordance to your Holy Word. We come to you humbled and thankful, asking for your forgiveness and mercy. Graciously we bow at your awesomeness. Teach us to become more like you – forgiving spirits and full of grace towards others.
Thank you for your love and kindness.
In the name of Jesus. Amen

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