Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2024 Day 39: Imperfect But Chosen
Lent 2024

Imperfect But Chosen

Deacon Ketia Brown
It is in our human nature to expect the best gifts to come in large, and expensive packages. The Jews in Biblical times were awaiting the Messiah to arrive, but they expected him to come riding into town on a majestic horse, wearing heavy armor, and “looking like the king who has come to reign.” However, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey – one of the simplest animals during that era. Horses were seen as a sign of prestige. Why would Jesus want to make his triumphant entry on a donkey?

Our Lenten theme, “Doing Less, Becoming More” ties with this verse from the book of Zechariah, which foretold how “our” king would enter Jerusalem. This is the beauty of Jesus! He could have chosen any animal to come riding in, but he chose to come in on a donkey, the lowliest of animals. This symbolizes how Jesus can and will use what society sees as insignificant to make the biggest impact. As you go through this Lenten season, as you look at yourself, and think that you might not be doing enough, or you are messing up, or things just aren’t falling right for you, remember that Jesus “chose” you. Yes, you! With all your imperfections, and flaws. He “sees” you, just as he saw the donkey that others would simply have passed on. We are valuable to him. That is the reason he died for us on the cross.

Lenten Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for choosing me, for seeing me despite all of my flaws, all of my imperfections, and for loving me still. I pray that, during this season, you help me to keep my mind fixed on remembering that You’re not looking for me to be perfect, but simply remembering who You are and what You did for me on the cross. Thank you, lord, for Your loving mercy, kindness, and your grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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