Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2024 | Day 4 | My Reason for My Commitment to God
Lent 2024


Sis. Wanda Lucky-Nelson
I recently had an encounter with someone I had newly met who had observed my random act of kindness and was very much aware of my generosity. That person shared with me that I wasn’t going to get a thank you note or a Christmas card from those that I had given to. I didn’t get upset because one part of me was grateful for her courage and honesty to warn me. And that she even cared. However, I didn’t and I haven’t shared my personal story because sometimes we don’t know other peoples’ stories and their truths.

There was a time when I was divorced, working two jobs, and barely making ends meet. I felt that time would never end. I prayed a lot and promised God that when He blessed me that I would bless others. I also promised God that I would be in a church every Sunday and that I would support that church and participate in some church activities. That was over 50 years ago. I was 28 years old back then and since that time I have seen fully and became aware of God being good to me. Therefore, I want to keep my promise to God. There are people who mean well but don’t understand your calling. Therefore, they can discourage you, which ends up with them not doing anything and neither are you. And nothing gets done.

I love Charles Stanley and I have listened to him since 1983 until he recently passed away. One of his encouragements was to “obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.” I heard and I know that when God places something on my heart, I must comply. Like in encouraging someone or to give at a particular time. Because I desire with all my heart to be a follower of Jesus and not a fan, I choose to be obedient. God has rewarded me in so many ways; I am truly grateful to Him which is why I do what I do as I feel obedience is better than sacrifice.

God, you are a promise keeper. You have enabled and strengthen me to keep my promises to you – be it small or otherwise. For your Word tells me that you always bless obedience and nothing good would you withhold from those that walk uprightly before You. I am a witness to this. (Joel 2: 25 – “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.)”

Lenten Prayer

Father God, it is my prayer that you make yourself known to us and that we may be willing to surrender to your calling. The Bible says that we will be known as Christians by our love. May it be so for each of us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

4 Responses

  1. Thank you for that strong testimony sister. I listen to Charles Stanley also. 🙏🏽

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