Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2024 Day 40: Doing Less, Becoming More
Lent 2024

Doing Less, Becoming More

Elder Rob Lewis
As a new elder at Memorial Presbyterian Church, there are so many things to learn about the responsibilities of the role and how to best serve the church, the congregation and the community at large. There is always more that needs to be done as we listen, engage and respond to needs of this faith community.

In order to do more, there are times you actually need to do less to avoid spreading yourself too thin and risk being less effective because you are too busy to focus on the highest and most urgent priorities. Our faith and our devotion are the most important priorities. God wants and needs us to be in the Word and steadfast in deepening our faith.

Lenten Prayer

Thank you, God. You are a good God and have allowed us to draw nearer to you, oh Lord. You have provided us Holy scripture to allow us to understand what You would have us do. Romans 5:1 tells us, “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” All honor and glory goes to you, oh Lord. Thank you for all that you have done for us and all that you will continue to do to lead and guide us. We honor you and magnify your name. Amen.

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