Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2024 Day 42: Soul Joy Williams
Lent 2024

Soul Joy Wellness

Elder Joy Williams
In this sacred Lenten journey, we focus to be connected to the very heart of God, the essence of true soul wellness. More than a brand or ideal, it is the reality of abiding in Christ Jesus our Lord. Though connecting with Him deeply may not come naturally, we can take intentional steps to return to His loving embrace when we stray. For He is ever near, patiently waiting wrap His arms around us and give us His peace that surpasses understanding. When our hearts grow tired and we lose our connect, we need redirect ourselves to the One who endured the cross to redeem us. He did this in order that we experience abundant, everlasting life in Him. Let us linger in sweet communion with our Savior, that His joy may become our strength for the journey ahead.

Lenten Prayer

Most Heavenly and Gracious Father, we feel the longing in our souls for deeper intimacy with You. Draw us close. Help us to know that we are under Your wings. Help us to focus our spiritual senses to Your still, small voice, that we may clearly hear You. In the chaos of this life, remind us to return to the One who calms the raging storms with a word. Give us the discipline and the delight in studying Your Word, that we may know You more. We surrender again to Your loving authority over every area of our lives. Thank You for paving the way to restored relationship through Christ’s finished work on the cross. Lead us in the everlasting way, that we may experience fullness of joy in Your presence, this day and for all eternity. In the name of our Risen King we pray, Amen.

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