Memorial Presbyterian Church

Lent 2024 | Day 7 | Blessed Assurance
Lent 2024

Blessed Assurance

Deacon Nancy Samms
You cannot trust unless you believe you are loved. To grow in God and be changed, you must trust Him. Often, He will lead you in ways you cannot understand. During those times, you must have a tight grip on His love for you. The apostle Paul was convinced that nothing would ever be able to separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus. You need to have that same absolute assurance of God’s undying love for you.

Accept God’s love for you and make that love the basis for your love for others. Receive His affirmation, knowing that you are changing and becoming everything He desires you to be.

Lenten Prayer

Father, help me trust in Your unending love for me, as I continue to grow in my faith. Show me how to use Your love as an example of how to show my love for other people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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